
Episode #4

Turn It Sideways Episode #4

Phew. We're back!

Sorry for the long delay. As you can see, we've skipped right on by episode #3. What happened? In short, life got busy. It became hard to coordinate a time to cast and worse, whenever we could find time, we were plagued by technical difficulties. Episode #3 was recorded, but it had a weird echo effect that was taking me forever to edit out. Given how long it took, the episode pretty much became irrelevant and I couldn't muster up the motivation to finish the edit.

But now we're back, we're on a stable connection, and with a little luck, we'll be back on a regular schedule. Enjoy!

In other news, we're on a new host. This one seems a little more intuitive for both listeners and for me, so hopefully it'll work out for now.



New Show Soon

We recorded an episode last week but lost it due to some technical difficulties. We're in the process of re-recording, so expect episode #3 sometime this weekend.